Thursday, November 22, 2012

So Very Blessed

I know.... Everybody's thankful this time of year. I mean, it's Thanksgiving! What's not to be thankful for? I could run the list of the usual things we all are thankful for and most of you would agree with me. I could talk about my wonderful family, immediate and extended. I could talk about my home and material possessions, all of which are not even mine. They were entrusted to me by my Lord. And for all of them I am thankful. I have thought about so many people who are and have been in my life and how much I am thankful for each person.

I had a conversation with my manager this week and she said something profound. So profound, I told her I was stealing it for this post. She said, "I am most thankful for the ability to change". Oh, the facets of this one! God created this in everyone. It is an essential part of repentance. Which is one of the necessary steps of salvation. This could lead into another discussion, entirely. But I thought long and hard about what she said. And I could not agree more.

The ability to change... hmmmm. Boy did that hit home for me. This has been the year of changes. Whether by choice or necessity, I have made many changes this year. I have taken on roles that I never even considered before. I no longer have children, but young adults. I no longer have a job but a career. My husband's business changed dramatically this year. I had to change to accept that and to be a helper to him. I have changed sizes, my mind (on some issues), and my heart.

Change is exciting and scary. The ability to change is comforting. I am so very thankful that I have the ability to change because if I did not have that I would remain stagnant in my life and never progress. I would be a lost soul with no hope of redemption. I would be miserable. So thank you Lord and Father for giving me the ability to change.

I pray His continued blessings on you all. May the ability to change be a gift we are forever thankful to have. Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Elect This!

Today is the day.  Election day in the greatest country God has ever chosen to bless.  We, Americans have a chance every four years to select who we want to lead us, command our military, defend our rights and freedoms, and manage our national business.  I love this day and everything it represents.  My mom is responsible for my enthusiasm, I'm certain. 

As a small child I remember her taking my brother and me to the polls with her to vote.  She taught me early that voting was not only a privilege but a duty.  I thought it very cool to walk into the voting booth that resembled the photo booth of the day and the curtain being drawn.  From the ballot sheet out of the newspaper that was already clearly marked with mom's choices I got to push the levers she pointed out to me.  I helped her vote!   I thought I was the coolest kid EVER!  I was taught that you should look at the candidates independently, not just a certain party.  And I remember my first time to vote.  I was a sophomore in college.  1984.  I was so pumped because this was not my mother's vote... It was MINE!  My voice... My thoughts... My research... And my duty. 

I hear people all the time saying, "My vote doesn't count" or, "I am not going to waste my time going to vote... it doesn't matter anyway”.  'Makes me really sad.  Ask the veterans of this great country if they think it matters.  Ask the political leaders if they think it matters. Ask the family members of the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice if they think it matters.  IT MATTERS!

I am not a loud supporter of any political party or person.  I know what I believe and align myself with the leaders I believe are on the same page that I am.  I do feel that whatever your beliefs, you should show your support of those by voting for whoever is aligned with those.  My government teacher in high school, Mrs. Lillian Evans, said this to our class:
"I may not agree with what you believe politically, but I would fight for your right to believe it."  Pretty solid advice, I think. 

This is a very special Election Day.  Both of my children are voting age and have their first opportunity to make their voices heard.  I hope that the trips to the voting booth with me taught them what my mom taught me. 

If you are not a registered voter, shame on you!  Go register to vote and participate in a freedom many around the world would love to have.  If you are a voter, I applaud you.  Now go vote!  And God bless America!

Friday, November 2, 2012

It's Never Too Late to Start....AGAIN!

October 21, 2012
September 8, 2012
I do not think my life to be extraordinarily interesting as a whole, nothing to make someone run to check out my bio or inspire burning questions about who I am. But I will admit that I occasionally have days that beg to be recorded because I truly cannot make up this stuff called life!

A few weeks shy of my 48th birthday, I am a bit introspective; it’s been the busiest year of my life. I have had challenges I never thought I would have. In one respect, I have accomplished more this year than I ever have before in my life, with goals yet to be reached. In another respect, every day I realize I am only scratching the surface of what I am meant to do. My mom always told me I could do anything. Well, she just might be right about that!

I began CrossFit back in 2009 in our driveway. My fitness freak and Taekwondo Grand Master of a husband, Mark, talked me into trying it with him and we began to invite another couple over to work out with us. In January 2010 we decided to open Trinity CrossFit. My husband has been Coach Mark at our box (Crossfit slang for "gym") since then. I have had a love/ hate relationship with CrossFit ever since we began. For various reasons I would not get on the same page as Mark about it. I would work out for a while.  I would stop working out. I would start again. I even jokingly referred to myself as the career "On Ramper", which is what we call a new athlete at our box. As of August 2012 I chose to jump in with both feet and try to be the best me I can be. I am more involved in the business aspect of owning a box than before. I am well on my way to getting my first pull-up and I plan on looking good in a swimsuit for the summer of 2013!

I am healthier and slimmer and STRONGER than ever before. I spend more time with my husband and I have made some friends that I hope will be lifelong. Oh, and the couple that came over to work out in the driveway? They still work out with us at Trinity! All this proves that it is just never too late to start doing something good for your health. Whether you are starting for the first time or you're like me and have started over and over before, just start!