Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Elect This!

Today is the day.  Election day in the greatest country God has ever chosen to bless.  We, Americans have a chance every four years to select who we want to lead us, command our military, defend our rights and freedoms, and manage our national business.  I love this day and everything it represents.  My mom is responsible for my enthusiasm, I'm certain. 

As a small child I remember her taking my brother and me to the polls with her to vote.  She taught me early that voting was not only a privilege but a duty.  I thought it very cool to walk into the voting booth that resembled the photo booth of the day and the curtain being drawn.  From the ballot sheet out of the newspaper that was already clearly marked with mom's choices I got to push the levers she pointed out to me.  I helped her vote!   I thought I was the coolest kid EVER!  I was taught that you should look at the candidates independently, not just a certain party.  And I remember my first time to vote.  I was a sophomore in college.  1984.  I was so pumped because this was not my mother's vote... It was MINE!  My voice... My thoughts... My research... And my duty. 

I hear people all the time saying, "My vote doesn't count" or, "I am not going to waste my time going to vote... it doesn't matter anyway”.  'Makes me really sad.  Ask the veterans of this great country if they think it matters.  Ask the political leaders if they think it matters. Ask the family members of the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice if they think it matters.  IT MATTERS!

I am not a loud supporter of any political party or person.  I know what I believe and align myself with the leaders I believe are on the same page that I am.  I do feel that whatever your beliefs, you should show your support of those by voting for whoever is aligned with those.  My government teacher in high school, Mrs. Lillian Evans, said this to our class:
"I may not agree with what you believe politically, but I would fight for your right to believe it."  Pretty solid advice, I think. 

This is a very special Election Day.  Both of my children are voting age and have their first opportunity to make their voices heard.  I hope that the trips to the voting booth with me taught them what my mom taught me. 

If you are not a registered voter, shame on you!  Go register to vote and participate in a freedom many around the world would love to have.  If you are a voter, I applaud you.  Now go vote!  And God bless America!

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